How do I find the correct V-Band Clamp or Flange?Updated 3 years ago
We know that finding a compatible V-Band Clamp or Flange for an existing application can be quite difficult. Below are some links that might provide some assistance in finding necessary dimensions prior to contacting us about V-Band Clamp or Flanges.
• How to Measure a V-Band Flange
• V-Band Flange and Clamp Dimensions (Standard Clamp)
• V-Band Flange and Clamp Dimensions (Quick Release Clamp)
• V-Band Flange and Clamp Dimensions (Titanium)
We always attempt to find a compatible V-Band Clamp or Flange for our customers; however, we do not have the product dimensions for every possible OEM application available. Please use the How to Measure a V-Band Flange article above to find the measurement of the Overall Flange OD, Apex Width, and the Matching Tube Size prior to contacting us, as this will greatly help us.